Ravn Alaska Corporate Giving
Core Values: Safety, Connectedness, Commitment, Integrity and Reliability
At Ravn Alaska, our core values are not only the foundation of who we are and what our company is made of, they also reflect how we aim to make change in the communities we serve. We believe in strengthening and supporting the communities that our employees, neighbors and guests call home throughout Alaska and beyond.
Fundraising & Donation Requests
We accept requests for in-kind donations and sponsorships for fundraising events for 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. Please submit requests for Ravn Alaska to be involved with events/organizations by emailing us at corporategiving@ravnalaska.com. Please include 501(c)(3) information and allow up to six weeks before the event or print deadline to allow for processing.
Ravn Alaska's initiative to promote community service.
We uphold our core value of connectedness and commitment through our corporate donations. We have donated to support the UAA Seawolf Hockey and have sponsored the Teacher of the Month program. September is Hunger Action Month. Ravn Alaska is holding a food drive throughout the month to reach a goal of 1,000 pounds of donated items. Ravn Gives Back will match dollars-for-poundage up to $2,000.
Here are a few organizations Ravn Alaska has supported:
Ravn Alaska Commemorative "Tokns"
Commemorative "Tokns" are collectible coins that can be purchased for $5 at the Anchorage airport in which all proceeds go towards Ravn Alaska's charitable efforts. We are creating a "Tokn" for each of the destinations Ravn Alaska flies. Learn more at our Commemorative Tokns page and to see the current destinations that are available.
Community Involvement & Social Responsibility
At Ravn Alaska, we execute on our promise to serve.

Ravn Alaska helped transfer a seal pup from Dutch Harbor to Anchorage for the Alaska SeaLife Center.

This Food Bank of Alaska shipment went out to St. Paul with Ravn Alaska Cargo.

We are proud to partner with the Food Bank of Alaska in serving our communities.

The UAA Seawolves Hockey program was in danger of getting cancelled due to lack of funds. Ravn Alaska was happy to donate to help save the program.

Ravn Alaska supports our local community schools, universities and sports!

Save Seawolf Hockey program raised $3 million to reinstate the program.

Ravn Alaska worked with partners to deliver 6,000 lbs of water to Tuluksak after a fire destroyed the community’s water purification plant and washeteria.

Ravn Alaska Air Cargo donated the freight of mulch to the city of St. Paul.